Holistic Edge Radio Podcast
Holistic Edge Radio is a podcast that explores choices for wellness to clarify, often cryptic to seemingly simplistic material or regarded as irrelevant to more complicated topics such as new ideas in the environment, or what other cultures in the US have to bring in ways of healing ourselves, others, and the land we live on. It is about a new understanding as these fields change and grow. The show will feature holistic practitioners, medical professionals, sustainability/environment pioneers, energy healers, pet/animal holistic practices, new ideas to address age old problems like hoarding/clutter, addressing psychological and emotional imbalances, ways to address writing, and much more. There will be a tendency to learn more from those located on the East Coast, but this is not a hard fast rule as the program grows.
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Today we get to understand the making of an integrative psychiatrist, who practices as an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University; and how his life journey formed his worldview about healing. He tells us about the influences, at times positive and other times negative, shaped the type of doctor he would become. He speaks about his childhood, with a grandfather he healed others using medicinal mushrooms to indigenous people's reservations in Wyoming where he witnessed other forms of healing take place. How his work was influenced by other cultures of the world when he learned Aikido from a Japanese Master to the Tibetan herbs and breathwork exercises he researched and developed to treat 911 survivors from toxic chemicals they inhaled, to others in today's war zones across the world or big cities. (Part 2 to follow Episode 30)
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut Guest Bio:
Dr. Richard Brown is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons where he obtained his medical degree in 1977.He completed his Psychiatry Residency and a fellowship in Psychobiology and Psychopharmacology at New York Hospital, Cornell University Medical College. He has been in practice for over 45 years.He is a resource for other physicians who need help to treat very complex, treatment-resistant patients in conventional medicine.Dr. Brown and his wife Dr. Pat Gerbarg have co-authored the following books you can look up: Stop Depression Now, The Rhodiola Revolution , The Healing Power of the Breath, Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD and How to Use Herbs, Nutrients, & Yoga in Mental Health Care which includes chapters on how address fatigue, stress, insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, depression, cognitive dysfunction, schizophrenia, addictions, and medication side effects. Through research he and his wife Dr. Gerbarg developed a program on Breath-Body-Mind workshops for professionals,yoga teachers, survivors of mass disasters like 911, and people with medical illnesses.
Guest Contact:
Website https://www.breath-body-mind.comLeave a voicemail Dr. Richard P. Brown 914-715-1581 not for confidential info.
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Hostwww.holisticedgeradio.comeb@holisticedgeradio.com
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Dr. Maya Shetreat will speak to us about psychedelics or Master Plants from a new perspective, that is long awaited as a direction modern society should take. The viewpoint from Dr. Maya’s experience is that Master Plants are really Beings of great intelligence, guides and mentors that deserve our respect as well as the indigenous people who guard them. Master plants are powerful healers that might be able to address the most destructive of diseases, physical or mental, but only by adopting this new perspective, one that erases the destructive relationship we've held, can we find this out and greatly benefit from them. She also speaks about Quantum Drops , a product she designed in the form of vibrational medicine. They are made on an altar at a particular Sun/Moon phase, guided by and imbued with the presence of the Master Plant, so these drops can awaken a greater sacredness in our life, because it's not necessary to take them into our body to receive their transformative healing.
Music Featured: I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Maya Shetreat, is an MD, specifically an adult and pediatric neurologist. She is also an herbalist, urban farmer, and ceremonialist. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred. Dr. Maya created Quantum Drops (www.quantumdrops.com), a vibrational Master Plant product that is safe, legal, and deeply transformative. Dr. Maya experienced a healing crisis in her family that took her on a journey to Ecuador to study with traditional healers & shamans. Based on this experience she founded the Terrain Institute, where she offers free ceremonies, microdosing coaching, training for psychedelic-informed practitioners as well as an upcoming Quantum Practitioner Certification. She is recognized as a Functional Medicine doctor. She’s been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, Goop, CBS NY, Chicago Tribune, The Dr. Oz Show, Huffington Post, and more. She is the author of The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids With Food Straight from Soil and the newly released The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety & Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics.
Guest Contact: Dr. Maya Home - drmaya.com
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Today we will learn about BTB Feng Shui from one of the leading masters in the US, Steven Post. He will discuss the shamanic philosophy behind BTB Feng Shui, his mentor Prof Lin Yun, who brought BTB Feng Shui to the US for the first time in the 1970's. Steven will explain how simple situations in our home that are invisible to us, can cause energetic havoc, and how we should strengthen those areas so we are more protected in life and feel like we have someone or something that has our back in a world, where stress, perfection, and success are the driving force 24-7. He will give examples of such problems like understanding how the kitchen stove represents our financial wealth, and why, and how to improve its strength in our home so it can reflect back what we hope for in financial success; or how to correct a doorway with missing door in a bedroom which can result in illness or disrupt a happy marriage, and many other examples.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest: Bio
Steven Post has been a Feng Shui practitioner for over 60 years. He is the first Feng Shui consultant and teacher in the U.S., scholar and educator, who was designated by Feng Shui leader Grandmaster Prof. Thomas Lin Yun. to found (GEO) The Geomancy/Feng Shui Education Organization training 3 year program. The Black Hat Sect Tantric Buddhism Feng Shuiu (BTB) BTB Feng Shui ™ . Steven is also the author of the best selling book The Modern Book of Feng Shui.
He has worked internationally with architects, developers, businesses, corporations/individuals to help them build homes/commercial facilities. He has been featured on NBC Dateline, The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, House Beautiful and many other publications.
Bio: Grandmaster His Holiness Prof. Thomas Lin Yun, who Steven was a disciple of and leader, was revered as a religious leader, a holy man, a scholar, and was considered the world’s most prominent authority on Feng Shui. It was Prof. Lin Yun who brought Feng Shui to the United States in the 1970’s. He was interviewed by mass media throughout the years, and taught most at universities in the US, such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford University in England, other universities in China, and so on. He passed away in 2010.
Guest Contact:
GEO Geomancy / Feng Shui Education Organization
www.btbfengshui.org (not in service, pages work for info)
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown Host/Producer www.hiolisticedgeradio.com eb@holisticedgeradio.com
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Meet Nick Hoefly,. is a NYC beekeeper who started this interest as a hobby and now oversees 50 beehives across the city on rooftops to Greenwood Cemetery. He will speak about how he learned to work with honeybees, created his own retail honey business, and how he trains students to become beekeepers; how rooftop honey bees go hand-in--hand with green markets in NYC; how they hold honey tasting events at Astor Apiaries. He also tells us about bee nutrition, fighting disease, how we can help honeybees in the city, and how corporations, organizations and parks support the honeybee throughout the year.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio
Nick Hoefly is a Certified Master Beekeeper and shares his passion through classes and events dedicated to honey bees and pollinators, as well as online through several social channels. A veteran of the TV/Film industry, Nick found bees when he took up beekeeping as a hobby with a friend. The hobby grew and he eventually founded Astor Apiaries with his wife, Ashley. Astor Apiaries is now one of the leading apiaries in the New York City area. Since then his apiaries have grown to over 50 hives in multiple locations all over New York City.Nick has developed several beekeeping classes, hive tours, a full beginner’s course, and a year-long urban beekeeping apprenticeship. He is certified as a Master Beekeeper by the Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Studies at Cornell University and the Apiary Manager for The Bee Conservancy(TBC), developing and overseeing the beekeeping strategy at TBC Bee Sanctuaries across NYC. Nick is also recognized by the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey.Through his experience, Nick regularly holds honey tastings throughout the year. Furthermore, he’s personally curated the unique collection of honey varietals sold by Astor Apiaries in addition to his NYC Raw Honey. He has been interviewed by New York Times, The Today Show, Martha Stewart, AM NY, and so on.
Guest Contact:
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown:
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Claudia Keel speaks to us about her journey with plants and her travels to other cultures as well as her one -on-one training with some of the country's leading herbal masters, which includes nutrition. She explains how her school is broken down to address today's world of varied knowledge, which includes Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, traditional herbalism, etc. and ihas put in place an active free clinic, as well as resources to address racism, and even a mobile clinic driven to different places in NY to give assistance to those searching for help for an ailment.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Claudia Keel started her herbalism career in 1995, she received her herbalism apprenticeships & professional training from leading master herbalists such as Kate Gilday, Matthew Wood and the late William LeSassier.She is a A clinical herbalist and flower essence therapist with an additional specialty in food and nutrition therapy. Her primary training in flower essence therapy has been with David Dalton of Delta Gardens, Patricia Kaminski, Richard Katz of the Flower Essence Society, and Jane Bell / Steve Johnson of Alaskan Essences, Bach Flower Essences, and several others. Claudia has served as the Weston A Price Foundation NYC Chapter Leader, providing education and resources for nutrition and traditional foods throughout New York City. She co-founded in 2002 a farm-to-consumer food club, focusing on local, traditional and artisan produced foods that were not available in NYC then. In 2013, she co-founded the ArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism. She is a director and core instructor and clinic mentor there. She has a private practice in Germantown NY (Columbia county) and in Manhattan, NY. Claudia is also an artist and muralist. She received her BA in Religion from UNC-Chapel Hill, and studied in Masters of Fine Arts Painting programs at Massachusetts School of Art and School of Visual Art.
Guest Contact:
www.arborvitaeny.comclaudia@arborvitaeny.comArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism | clinical herbalist education | 181 Huguenot Street, New Paltz, NY, USA (arborvitaeny.com)earthflower.org
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Priscilla Bright, a leader in Barbara Brennan Healing work. Barbara Brennan was a former NASA scientist, who became a world renowned healer. Priscilla, who worked with her for over 20 years, will explain how the aura fields contain our emotional/psychological events, as well past life capsules, how they inform us, and how a healer can address disease and imbalances old or new in this area, as well as how we can come to understand our spirituality and how we are evolving at a faster pace.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Priscilla Bright, MA is an energy healer, and international healing instructor, workshop leader, and national conference speaker with 30 years of experience teaching and as a healer. For twenty years Priscilla studied/worked professionally with the world-renowned healer Dr. Barbara Brennan where Priscilla was a teacher and the School Dean of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She taught both the US and Europe. Priscilla is the Founder/Director of ongoing Healer’s Path programs NYC. She is on the Faculty at the Omega Institute. She is a Graduate of the Professional Training in Positive Neuroplasticity with Dr. Rick Hanson, and her Masters of Public Health in Health Promotion/Health Behavior is from the Boston University School of Medicine. Priscilla’s has a practice in NYC and in Upstate NY.Bio: Barbara Brennan was a world-renowned spiritual leader, healer and educator. A pioneer and innovator in the field of energy consciousness, the former NASA physicist dedicated her life to exploring the Human Energy Field and realms of human consciousness. She held a Doctorate of Philosophy, a Doctorate of Theology, a Master’s Degree in Atmospheric Physics, B.S. in Physics, and worked as a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. She was also a graduate of the Institute of Core Energetics. Barbara Brennan passed away in 2022.
Contact Guest:
Website: www.priscillabright.comCall or text Priscilla at (845) 417-8261
or email priscilla@priscillabright.com for more information.
Contact Host:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Meet Rick Barrett a NY martial arts and Taijiquan (Tai Chi) practitioner and teacher. He has studied Tai Chi and other martial arts in his 45 years of experience practicing, and understanding these works from the Western mindset. And has witnessed how it can change our health, our brain, our connection to our spirit or the superconscious mind safely and for the better. That recovery from a stroke, or assistance for those with debilitating illnesses like alzheimers or parkinsons, can depend on these movements to change them for the better and even can change your physical posture, gait, etc. all in an effort to improving our well-being at an optimum level. Listen to how he is addressing some of today's other unknowns like cellphone neck problems, which are causing headaches, and even affecting our eyesight; addressing how to do a quick breathwork exercises to fall asleep quicker, and much more.
Rick Barrett teaches t’ai chi ch’uan, ch’i gung, xingyiquan, and Push Hands in NYC and in seminars all over the country. Rick has benefited greatly from the generosity of many wonderful teachers for past thirty-plus years. He learned t’ai chi ch’uan from Grandmaster William C. C. Chen. From Master Fukui Yang he learned 3 other forms of martial arts.(xingyiquan, yiquan, and luoxuanzhang). His other interests include:energy medicine, consciousness research, and music. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the 24th annual International Chinese Martial Arts Championships in 2022.
Rick Barrett was also trained by John Beaulieu,phd Under the umbrella of Polarity Therapy, integrates craniosacral balancing, myofascial restructuring, and Biosonic Repatterning. John Beaulieu is a leader /innovator in sound healing techniques and therapies. This type of training has been Rick’s primary influence in his energy healing practice. He is the author of two books called Taijiquan Through the Western Gate ideal for those interested in understanding tai chi, from a Western mindset and other book, Finding You in a World of It is a “mental kung-fu” that helps you to get you out of your head and fully into movement. No knowledge of tai chi required.
Guest Contact:
https://rickbarrett.net website
rick@rickbarrett.net To ask Rick about his work
info@rickbarrett.net to hire Rick for an event
Visit his 300 youtube video and learn many movement, and other treachings at: a little bit of alchemy
A Wee Bit of Alchemy - YouTube
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Meet Nancy Slonim Aronie, a leading memoir writer, who she does not teach writing, but instead has learned to create a "safe space" for her students where only positive critics can be offered, no negative critics or judgements in order to get to the truth of each person's heartfelt story. She tells us remarkable stories of breakthroughs people made in her workshop that came to heal them and other family members. She is storyteller and explains how the life ordeals she experienced made her understand that negative, mean spirited critics of writers' work can never be used as a tool to help any person grow, heal or reach their best potential in their writing, a very personal and raw exercise. She tells us funny stories and sad stories, always honest and true to herself.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
She is the founder of the Chilmark Writing Workshop on Martha’s Vineyard, where she lives. She has been a regular contributor to National Public Radio’s All Things Considered as well as a columnist for multiple newspapers. She has taught writing at such venues as Kripalu, Omega, Esalen, and Harvard University. She is the author of Writing from the Heart and her latest book, Memoir as Medicine: The Healing Power of Writing Your Messy, Imperfect, Unruly (but Gorgeously Yours) Life Story, these are just some of the reviews:
“. . . Nancy Aronie gives perfect examples using her own gorgeous stories. You will laugh, you will probably cry, but I promise you, you will write!”— Carly Simon, author and Grammy Award–winning singer-songwriter“At her famed workshops on Martha’s Vineyard, Nancy Aronie is described as the midwife to her students’ writing lives. — Geraldine Brooks, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of March, five bestselling novels, and three works of nonfiction“Nancy Aronie writes from a large heart and a powerful brain, which is why her new book is so quickly becoming an essential addition to fine literature. The work is a frontrunner, and so is she.”— Robert S. Brustein, theater critic, producer, playwright, educator, and founder of the Yale Repertory Theatre and the American Repertory Theater and Institute". . . the book’s power and ultimate purpose is to help the reader survive a normal human life, with all its absurdities and impossible challenges.”— Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Soul Therapy
Guest Contact:
Nancy Aronie <nancyjill73@gmail.com>
(508) 274-4286
Enoe Aracely Brown:
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
This show features Marc J. Gian, an aromatherapist who partners Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture points on the body with specific essential oils from his line Meridian Biologix, accelerating the healing time by as much as 30% for the patient. He addresses a variety of ailments by using aromatherapy, TCM, massage, hypnosis, coaching, and dreamwork techniques. These ailments include difficult known issues to more intangible problems such as: memory problems to increasing your capacity for change, habits like smoking,, incontinence, emotional blockages to improving your level of physical fitness; to root problems like erectile dysfunction, depression, and so on.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Marc J. Gian, L. Ac, LMT, is a sought after practitioner and teacher. He has developed an in-depth course series for professionals on the clinical applications of Essential Oils and addressing illness through Mind-Body healing. He is a licensed massage therapist. Since 2007, he has been a clinical supervisor at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine's student clinic in NYC, as well as the designer and teacher of the Essential Oils curriculum for that college. He is also a co-founder of the Meridian Biologix line of professional Essential Oils, with blends based on TCM pattern diagnosis. Marc Has been teaching about essential oils for nearly 15 years. He is the author of two books, Holistic Aromatherapy: Practical Healing with Essential Oils also The Inner World of Night Dreams: Use Your Dreams to expand your awareness in waking life to become the best version of yourself. He graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 2003; and was a supervisor/teacher in 2006 - 2018. He developed the essential oil course at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. He did a mentorship with Dr. Peter Resnik in mind/body integration: dreamwork, mental imagery, and morphology.
Guest Contact:
Phone:[http://tel:18455199256/](845) 519-9256; www.thecurebymarc.com
928 Broadway Suite 1200 In the heart of the Flatiron district
Enoe Aracely Brown:
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Today's show we will learn about the power of ritual in everyday life. Barbara Biziou will explain how trauma and negative happenings can be removed from a space, and once that happens how that space can become productive and successful just by simple rituals she performs for clients worldwide, from an UN ambassador to a broadway producer. She will also introduce other areas she is called to help out in, from corporations, weddings, to fertility rituals. Listen in and learn how rituals can move us from chaos, feelings of isolation,trauma and stagnation in any area of our lives to a place that can bring forth creativity to material gains, with a sense of protection we are often missing in our own lives.
Music Featured:
I Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance; Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Barbara Biziou, a former TV producer and fashion executive., Now leads a life of sharing the wisdom she amassed from decades of global travel and studies with gurus, spiritual masters and her own dedicated practices. She is an ordained interfaith Minister and does teach at One Spirit Interfaith seminary. She is known as a Transformational Vision Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Spiritual Teacher.She Specializes in: Ancient Rituals, Energy Clearing, Spiritual Realignment, Igniting Intuition, Manifesting Purpose, and Corporate Wellness. Her mantra is: “Change Starts from Within.” Her mission is to inspire growth and positive change in others by motivating her clients to achieve higher levels of meaningful success. Her practice also integrates these old-world modalities, with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, strategic communication skills, modern psychology, and neuroscience to empower your growth, and offer life-changing road maps for those seeking a better life. She is the author of two books, The Joy of Ritual and The Joy of Family Rituals.
Guest Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown: