Holistic Edge Radio Podcast
Holistic Edge Radio is a podcast that explores choices for wellness to clarify, often cryptic to seemingly simplistic material or regarded as irrelevant to more complicated topics such as new ideas in the environment, or what other cultures in the US have to bring in ways of healing ourselves, others, and the land we live on. It is about a new understanding as these fields change and grow. The show will feature holistic practitioners, medical professionals, sustainability/environment pioneers, energy healers, pet/animal holistic practices, new ideas to address age old problems like hoarding/clutter, addressing psychological and emotional imbalances, ways to address writing, and much more. There will be a tendency to learn more from those located on the East Coast, but this is not a hard fast rule as the program grows.

Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
56. Wendie Colter A Medical Intuitive Who Thru Research is Redefining Healthcare by Training Nurses, Doctors to Read the Body's Biofields to Assess Disease, Emotional & Mental History That Can Harm the Body, Host E. A.Brown Dec 12, 2024
Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP® is an educator and practicing medical intuitive who redefines what the term Medical Intuitive, (known as human MRI's) now means, mostly through research, and training professionals like doctors and nurses to use these skills in their practice. As well as the everyday person who learns these skills so they can assess their own health. She has made it a more inclusive skill and talent. The goal being to make it part of the healthcare industry by putting the same skills in the hands of doctors and nurses. It will lessen conflict between patients, doctors, and insurance companies because it will lessen the expense of long-term treatments of mystery illnesses . These skills also work wonderfully with veterinarians who work with pets and also doctors who treat children or those who treat autism in children and adults, etc. Basically you are taught how to read the biofields of the body which some call chakras and auras which contain the entire history of someone's life, and it can tell a practitioner the root of the problem. After much testing in the medical community, she and her graduates went in blind to see patients with no information and were rated at 94% accuracy at finding problems the doctors had already diagnosed and gave additional information to help the doctor do a better job for the patient.
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Description: Roger Jahnke, as a child was moved by his father's death and wanted to become a doctor when he grew up. Once there he learned the medical profession only studied disease but not wellness to prevent disease. His world changed once he learned about reading the Taoist book called Tao Te Ching, the ancient understanding of how human beings should live life. He left medical school and became a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, administering acupuncture and herbs. He later moved on to teach only Qigong & Tai Chi as a way to empower people to start healing themselves through a daily practice at home, not just do it in a class. When you trigger the body through movement and breath medicine, the body understands what to do in order to expel toxins, and maintain healthy organs. This knowledge comes from the indigenous people of China, who understood how to commune with nature and therefore came to understand the body and what we need to do to tap into our own form of internal medicine.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Roger Jahnke, OMD, doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine has decades of clinical practice as a physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine and eight research tours to China, Dr. Jahnke has practiced and taught Qigong in the United States, Canada, and Asia for over 40 years. He is the director/chief instructor of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, Santa Barbara, California; and a co-founder and chairperson of the board of the National Qigong Association. He has studied hundreds of forms of Qigong with master teachers and visited over twenty hospitals, institutes and training centers in China. He has lectured on self-healing and emerging trends in healthcare and medicine to numerous hospital systems; the Catholic Health Association; the American Medical Association; the National Wellness Institute, and the American College of Healthcare Executives, in Chicago. He is a contributing author to numerous books on health methodologies for both clinical providers and health care administrators. Dr. Jahnke has presented at major conferences on advances in alternative /complementary medicine throughout the US. He has written for numerous professional journals including Qigong & Science published in China. Dr. Jahnke was appointed to co-convene a National Expert Meeting on Qigong & Tai Chi in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / the National Blueprint for Active Aging. He is the author of The Healer Within: The Four Essential Self-Care Methods For Creating Optimal Health, and The Healing Promise of Qi. They were pioneering books because they began the practice of Qigong and Tai Chi in the US.
Guest Contact:
(Institute of Integral Qigong & Tai Chi)
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Luke Blue Eagle is an Indigenous Canadian who is the creator of natural healing products and discusses what healing tools he uses to heal others. He will discuss how ancient indigenous nations used crystals, an amplifier of energy, and how they have no other power, other than the healer, but has seen much misinformation about them in books today. He recommends meditation and other practices to make the healer strong and clear. He has also created an essential oils mix for smudging as the smoke of usual smudging is not possible in hospital settings where he was often called to work on indigenous people. He will also speak about the underestimated importance of having a spiritual practice. How lack of a spiritual practice creates mental weakness, misdirection, and confusion. How not being close to nature also adds to this lack of a spiritual practice and has been creating damage to the planet in several ways, to youth commiiting suicide at an alarming rate to mishandling the care of the physical planet, and aiding in its destruction.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio: Luke Blue Eagle is a Saskatchewan Metis from Algonquin, Pawnee, Abenaki and French-Canadian ancestry. His entire life has been dedicated to the healing of others. .He was not born on a reservation and did not suffer the horrors of the residential schools. In fact, as a young man, his family never revealed his Native American ancestry to him, although they had four Native American ancestors, they did not adopt the culture or reveal it. At the age of 17 he left the family circle to study music at the Laval Université in Quebec City. His native origins were later confirmed to him by a genealogist and from his family. This was followed by 25 years of quest during which he was trained in Ancestral Native American Health Care techniques. Not being officially Indian (i.e., not being recognized by the Canadian government as such) he has kept the door open to criticism and pettiness of all kinds. However, as such, it preserved him from the traumas that most Native Americans of his generation suffered.He has written 8 books and is the author of First Nations Crystal Healing: Working with Teachers of the Mineral Kingdom. He is the owner of a company called Invocation Canada for products he has developed. Luke Blue Eagle is part of a series on Gaia.com about Indigenous Crystal Healing Techniques on Gaia TV. He is a recognized expert on crystal use and has taught in North America, Europe, Mongolia, and Asia.Guest Contact:ancestralwisdomtoday.com , invocation.ca, https://blueeagecrystals.com, blueeagleshop.com, blog: aiglebleu.net/en/
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (Dr. T.) is a internist who has dedicated his life to helping people resolve disease naturally like Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia (which he suffered from), Long-term Covid, Lung Infections, Yeast Overgrowth, and so on. He will concentrate his talk on how to remove chronic pain from the body, resolve infections that take us down, and might even kill us that drugs seem not to do much for, and often the patient is helpless to do anything about it. He will speak about how lack of sleep, malnutrition levels in the American diet, adrenal problems, and misdiagnosed thyroid and damaged hormone production have gotten us here and how to resolve them. If you wish to contact Dr. Teitelbaum, you can reach him at fatiguedoc@gmail.com and ask him about your particular problem and await his advice free of charge. Usually he feels most problems can be resolved within months on supplements he recommends or has created (these earnings go to charity). The information in this talk can also be found in more detail in his book From Fatigued to Fantastic From Fatigued to Fantastic! (From Fatigued to Fantastic! Fourth Edition: A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Vibrant Health and Overcome Chronic Fatigue: Teitelbaum M.D., Jacob: 9780593421505: Amazon.com: Books)
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio: As a young man Dr. Teitelbaum suffered from the “drop dead flu” with symptoms like, he was unable to sleep, had foggy brain, was achy all over, and was exhausted, and resting did not restore him; and he was homeless as a young man because of it. These are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Over the last 30 years, Dr. Teitelbaum has made available effective treatments for anyone with CFS, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Chronic Pain and now Long Term Covid that can’t be addressed with drugs, it has been his life's work. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, (a.k.a. "Dr. T") is a board certified internist, integrative doctor and nationally known expert in the fields of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sleep and pain. Over the years he has helped in the recovery of thousands of people and has regularly appeared in the media, including CNN, FOX National News, USA Today, etc. He has authored over 10 books including the best-selling From Fatigued to Fantastic! His latest book is “You Can Heal From Long Covid. He is the principal investigator on 8 studies and 3 medical textbook chapters of effective CFS/Fibromyalgia and Post viral Treatments, and in one study on effective treatment of autism. You can find many answers to your health questions on his popular free smartphone app “Cures A-Z."
Guest Contact:
email: fatiguedoc@gmail.com
Host/Producer Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
52. Joanna Crespo, A Banking Professional Who Teaches a Leading Training in Reiki 1, 2, & 3 To Become a Professional Practitioner With Family Constellations Therapy as a Foundation
Joanna Crespo, MBA, is a Director in International Commercial Banking and a leading instructor of Reiki. Topics of discussion will include reiki, practitioners, long distance healing, art and spirituality in mathematics, Makao Usui the founding master plus some student testimonials of Joanna's work, and her experiences in the world of healing. She will speak about how the younger generations today are changing their energetic frequencies through meditation and work of Reiki; how her students are evolving their intuition levels much more quickly with Reiki; and how she partners Reiki with Family Constellations therapy as a treatment. She also discusses the false and true history of Reiki before and after 2000; and how it came to the US; what is the base of Reiki; and how the healing component did not work in Japan until it reached the US. Also understanding how spiritual belief systems can block healing. and how Imagination is a necessary element for healing and for evolution. She hopes to give inspiration to her students so they can grow in their practice in her training program which attracts professionals and everyday people who are searching for a more meaningful way to work with Reiki as a career.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:Joanna Crespo, was born in Taiwan. Her family came to the US in 1977. She has BA in Applied Mathematics from SUNY Stonybrook, went on to become a Director in International Commercial Banking in a NYC bank. In 1999 she received her MBA at Fordham. Then she started training in Reiki in 2003 at the Kripalu Center. From there Joanna trained with Margaret Ann Case’s Reiki Arts Continuum program at the NY Open Center. which became The Reiki System of Natural Healing. It is a unique training that culminated in over 700 hours unlike the usual Reiki trainings. This Reiki is also dependent on the Lineage from the original Japanese master, Mikao Usui. Joanna became a Reiki instructor in 2006. In 2010 after Margaret Anne Case’s passing, Joanna took over Ms. Case’s signature training at the Open Center and went on to found her own company, Reiki Rhapsody, LLC. She became an approved provider by the national massage/bodyworkers association, NCBTMB. Other certifications she holds: instructor of Kundalini Yoga; Chinese Herbalism; a 1st Degree Black Belt in Twekwon=do, ordained as a Rev by The Sanctuary of the Beloved; and is certified in Family Constellation Therapy work, which is an effective therapeutic process that helps break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, illness, failure and addiction. Joanna is also a breast cancer survivor. Today Joanna continues in her career as a director in global investment banking but has also taken on new studies in theology at Naropa University. Joanna lives with in Montclair, New Jersey.
Guest Contact:joanna@reikirhapsody.com;
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Demitra Vassiliadis is a well-known NY astrologer. Demitra will discuss where astrology comes from, what are astrological shifts and how they encompass our everyday life and affect us, what are the events we see happening on the news, that spell out how we are evolving. For example the recent arrests of high power people in NYC due to deviant behavior and how a society cannot not continue to accept this behavior if we are to evolve to the next level as a people and as souls. She describes the universe as having perfect order and how we can use it to help us in some of the decisions in our life, As planets revolve in perfect order, they can also force change on our lives whether we like it or not, as we face the dark night of the soul.
Music Featured: Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio: Demitra Vassiliadis is a spiritual astrologer who is passionate about helping others, and understands a client's unique talents and life path. She’s helped thousands of people decipher their birth chart and unlock their astrology chart that describes them, their talents and abilities they’ve been given to accomplish their mission on earth. Her interpretations and infectious enthusiasm for her subject have made her a very popular speaker, workshop leader and personal consultant. She doessynastry readings,natal chart readings, solar return readings, and electional astrology which helps clients select auspicious times for major life events. Other readings include newborns and children. Her practice is located in New York City. In addition to her private practice, she is a ceremony leader for the New Moon, Full Moon, Equinox and Solstice Events at private events or businesses. Demitra has regularly led ceremonies at SunRaven Wellness Center in Bedford NY, at Michael Finkelstein’s practitioner’s roundtable, and at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY. She has been a guest lecturer at New Age Health Spa,The Greenwich Historical Society, Mohonk Mountain House, Deepak Chopra’s Homebase which was ABC Carpet, the former Open Center; she was also the house astrologer for Monteverde Inn & Spa in Montrose NY. Demitra has also been a featured presenter for corporate retreats such as Women’s President Organization, Fashion Week, The Barbara E Giordano Foundation, The Hudson Valley Hospital Symposium, McGraw Hill to name a few. Demitra is also an ordained minister who officiates over wedding ceremonies.
Guest Contact:
To schedule a Reading: demitra@heaventoearthastrology.com
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely BrownProducer & Host

Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Betty Sue O'Brian explains how the naturopaths, iridologists got displaced by pharmaceutical companies who became the lead in healing in the US, which put natural forms of healing in the shadows. She also tells us what is a traditional naturopath and iridologist, how she is able assess patients so that often leads to avoiding major complications. She also speaks about a liver cleanse formula a recipe she offers at no charge. The recipe is subtle and does not cause severe reactions over 90 days. Reasons why liver cleanse is important:celllutlie, bad breath, abdominal bloating, allergies, irritability, difficulty losing weight, constipation, flatulence, high cholesterol, drowsiness after eating, memory problems, major mood swings, kidney stones, hypoglycemia, yeat/candida problem to name a few. She generously offers several recipes such as how to do a PH test every morning, coffee enemas, castor oil packs to help your thymus, ginger packs to stop any pains in the body, and countless other recipes. She can work online with patients, and can perform an iridology reading with correctly taken photos.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Betty Sue O’Brian is an herbalist, an iridologist, and traditional naturopath, who uses natural therapies to help a person back into balance.She has a Masters of Science in food and nutrition with a minor in Dietetics from the Univ. of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Betty Sue believes in healthcare that has no scare tactics or “bad news” diagnosis! She continued her studies with the father of American iridology, Dr. Bernard Jensen. Iridology, which uses the Iris/pupil of the eyes to diagnose health issues, a study considered to be over 3000 yrs old. She also studied Scerology, the markings on the whites of the eyes. For over 25 years, Dr Betty Sue has treated a full range of “dis-eases” in children, adults and the elderly with a variety of modalities including diet and nutritional counseling, functional medicine, chakra balancing, energy medicine, supplementation, botanical medicine,flower essence therapy and detox strategies. She is the past-President of the International Iridology Practitioners Association. She is an Instructor for the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association; is a Traditional Naturopath & Natural Physician, for the British School of Natural Medicine; A Certified Master Sclerologist for the International Sclerology Institute. Natural Physician & Herbalist, for School of Natural Medicine, in Colorado; she’s a Master Herbalist, trained by Rosemary Gladstar; is a Living Foods Educator of The Ann Wigmore Institute, in Puerto Rico, and Diplomat Instructor at the Southern Institute of Natural Health which trains naturopaths and iridologists.
Guest Contact:
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a well known speaker who speaks of prophecies of the Lakota people for the world. He works to clarify how humans today are clashing with Earth, and tries to clarify why this is happening. Whereas indigenous people lived for thousands of years in harmony with Earth, that is not the case today. He tells us how the language of the Lakota and all indigenous peoples are based in the heart, compared with modern languages which he says are based in ego and domination and therefore have led humanity to confusion, destruction of resources, and goes on to say their prophecies warn of the dangers of technology, AI pose, which we can survive if we stop living the way we do now.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota and is an Indigenous activist and advocate. Tiokasin is the Founder, Host and Executive Producer of "First Voices Radio" (formerly "First Voices Indigenous Radio") which is heard on WBAI 99.5 FM in NYC for the last 27 years and is heard in North America in over 130 stations. He is a survivor of the “Reign of Terror” from 1972 to 1976 on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Lakota Reservations in South Dakota, civil wars. As a 15-year-old teenager he spoke at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Tiokasin frequently speaks at venues such as Yale University’s School of Divinity, Ecology, and Forestry focusing on the cosmology, diversity, and perspectives on the thinking processes of Western society. " He was also awarded New York City's Peacemaker of the Year in 2013. In 2016, he received a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize from the International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy. Tiokasin is also a master musician who does read music; he performs worldwide in places such as Lincoln Center, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Apollo Theatre, the United Nations. He is a Sundancer in the cosmology of the Lakota.
Guest Contact: www.firstvoicesindigenousradio.org in Kingston NY.
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Atava Gasrcia Swiecicki is the author of The CuranderX Toolkit Reclaiming Ancestral Plant Medicine & Ritual for Healing. IIn it she writes about the work of Latinx healers called curanderas(os) in the US, often teaching from within the holistic community but are not known about or reach underserved communities. She wants to provide access to these communities who have no access due to financial hardships. Spirit Bound Press says about her book: "centering on women of color and queer, trans, and nonbinary lives, . . . successfully demonstrates how to meld ancient wisdom with modern life, one in which fighting for justice is just what we do as part of our daily practice." It's the only book written to try to reconnect those who have migrated to US and their children, like Atava herself, whose ancestors are Navajo, Mexican, and Polish, to the teachings of ancestors or indigenous roots we all come from, and the need to reconnect us back to a form of healing that our souls can recognize. She discusses some of the techniques she puts into her practice, her line of herbal tinctures like Mend a Broken Heart, and speaks about some of the more renowned names in the field of curanderismo today.
Music Featured:
Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio: Atava was born in Detroit, Michigan to Mexican/Navajo/Hungarian mother and a Polish father. Currently Atava lives in Tewa Pueblo territory in Albuquerque. Atava is guided by plants,her ancestors, and her dreams in healing work and in life. As a clinical herbalist and curandera she teaches throughout the US, at venues such as John F. Kennedy University, the American Herbalist Guild Symposium, and Herbalists without Borders, and the famed Mujeres de Maiz in Los Angeles. Atava received her undergraduate degree from Stanford in Feminist Studies and her graduate degree from Naropa University on the Indigenous Mind. Atava has also developed her own style of ancestral healing work, called Deep Genealogy Coaching. She is a founding member of The Healing Clinic Collective, which offers free healing services to underserved populations in the Bay Area and has volunteered as an herbalist at the Charlotte Maxwell Center in Oakland, for low-income women with cancer and has been a member of Curanderas Sin Fronteras, which offers free traditional medicine services. Atava has also created her own line of herbal products which can be found in her online store and throughout the West Coast. She is also the author of The Curanderx Toolkit, Reclaiming Ancestral Plant Medicine & Rituals for Healing.
Guest Contact: ancestralapothecary.com
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host

Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
An American memoirist and journalist, Mark Matousek will speak about his method called Writing to Awaken which he uses to teach his students how to use self-inquiry as a way to examine personal stories to write authentic, more powerful and truthful accounts of our life. For some it may be through memoir, for others poetry, or a novel. Whichever way writing down traumatic events, or psychiatric episodes, or any life experience starts the process of releasing their negative impact on our psyche, which can slowly be witnessed over the months by how a person's health improves by experiencing less anxiety and depression in their life. He will also speak about his latest book on the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson called Lessons from an American Stoic: How Emerson Can Change Your Life, who can teach us about optimism, how to learn from hard times, and how to move forward from overwhelming events such as those experienced during Covid, over past few years.
Music Featured:Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio: Mark Matousek graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Berkeley in 1979, and received a fellowship to Worcester College, Oxford, after being awarded an M.A. in English Literature from UCLA. He moved to New York, worked in Reuters International, then in Newsweek’s letter department, before being hired at Andy Warhol’s Interview, where he became the magazine’s first staff writer and senior editor. While there he conducted hundreds of interviews with well-known figures in film, television, books, fine art, politics, design and science. Today Mark Matousek is an award-winning author of severa; books, his first book was an international bestseller called Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story, his latest title is called Lessons From an American Stoic: How Emerson Can Change Your Life, based on the American Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine, Good Housekeeping, and Harper’s Bazaar and blogs for Psychology Today. In 2013, he founded The Seekers Forum, a global online community for spiritual dialogue. Mark is also a teacher, speaker and mentor who teaches a process of self-examination called Writing to Awaken Method, which focuses on expressive writing for personal, professional, creative and spiritual transformation. His workshops take place in the US, Canada, and Europe each year, which have inspired thousands of people around the world. He is also a co-founder of V-Men, the male version of V-Day, Eve Ensler’s movement to end violence against women and girls. Mark lives with his partner, David Moore, in Springs, New York.
Guest Contact:
Contact Mark: contact@markmatousek.com
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown
Producer & Host