Thursday Sep 12, 2024
46. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND A Naturopath Who Uses Her Own Detox Protocol to Clear the Skin Advice on Sleep, Inflammation, Menopause, Supplements, and More Host Enoe Aracely Brown Sept 12, 2024
Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Dr. Selassie was born in Baltimore, Maryland and spent much of her childhood nights itching and scratching away from severe eczema on her face, neck, insides of her elbows and behind her knees. Her father was a medical doctor who was able to prescribe numerous anti-itch, anti-fungal, antibiotic, and steroid creams. They would work but not for long. By the time she was twelve, she was diagnosed with steroid-induced asthma. Her father died when she was in her tweens, many attended the funeral and what struck her the most was what people remembered the most about him, they said it was his sense of humor, kindness, and caring that helped them heal the most. These conversations are what decided what her career path would be. She enrolled and earned a degree called Naturopathic Doctorate and graduated in 2005 from Bastyr University, the leading school in naturopathic medicine. There she learned about healing without the use of pharmaceuticals and it was here she learned to heal her eczema. A few years later she was able to teach a class on how to achieve beautiful skin, naturally. Today Dr. Selassie lives with her husband, their five daughters, and her mother-in-law in Brooklyn, NY. She and her husband collect archival materials pertaining to Ethiopian and Rastafari Art and Culture for the Haile(HI-LEE) Selassie I International University Museum & Research Library Center. Dr Selassie hosts a live weekly show on Invite Health Web Radio. She is also the author of Aging Brilliantly: How to Eat Move Rest & Socialize Your Way to a Long Life.
Guest Contact:
Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie · Naturopathic Doctor ·
New Flower Center for Naturopathic Medicine - Brooklyn/Zoom Consults · 888-228-2126