Thursday Aug 29, 2024
44. Holistic Edge Radio w Guest Nancy Brandt, DVM First Veterinarian to Pioneer Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy for Vets, Techs, to Everyday People Shares How Our Pets Can Live a Decade Longer
Nancy Brandt, DVM is the founding veterinarian of Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy for pets anywhere. Hear her on at 11 am online radio this Thursday August 29 EST, NYC. She explains how essential oils can be used to extend the life of pet by as much as a decade and speaks about the proper guidelines she has established for safely administering essential oils to pets so they are not harmed or killed in the process and it is how she teaches other veterinarians, vet techs and the everyday person to do the same. She explains what therapeutic grade essential oils are and how they are created, from soil to bottle as taught by the medical aromatherapy industry in France as studied on humans, not pets.. Plus understanding how to keep our home chemically free and help pets do the same as they become the vacuum of all our dirt; and how essential oils can repair human/pet relationships and even pet-to-pet relationships, and much more..
Music Featured:
Will Be By Your Side by MeloMance, and Superstar by Lee Seung Hyub (J.Don) (featuring Cheeze) Solo Debut
Guest Bio:
Guest Contact:
email: include telemedicine hotline
Spark Education LLC,
Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy Association ( There are free youtube have videos online
Las Vegas, NV Tel: [http://tel:7023810710/]702-381-0710
Host Contact:
Enoe Aracely Brown